US National Team member in whitewater slalom kayaking
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
2014 US Open - Nantahala
Both days I placed 1st and also finished 1st in the overall ranking, Ashley Nee 2nd and Anna Ifarraguerri 3rd. Congrats to all!
Thanks Doro for awesome pictures!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Season 2013 - 5th at the World Championships!!!
Later I was preparing for the World Championships in Prague in Czech republic. I finished 5th at the World Championships! I am very excited and happy about this result! It was only one extra penalty that cost me a bronze medal in the finals. But overall I am very satisfied with my performance.
Next year we will have the World Championships in Maryland in Wisp/McHenry and I will do again my best to bring home some medals!
Thank you all for your support!
Pictures by Peter Prazenka:
Thursday, June 14, 2012
2 SP Pau
Tento rok máme pred sebou 5 pretekov svetového pohára. Prvý v Cardiffe - GBR, máme už za sebou. Momentálne sme v Pau, FRA. Aj tento rok sme boli na výlete v Lurdoch.
Potom sa presúvame do Seu, ESP. Pokračujeme v auguste v Prahe a následne finále SP je v Bratislave.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Koniec sezóny 2011 - Majstrovstvá USA
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
sezóna 2011
- poradie v celkovom hodnotení Svetového pohára: 2. miesto (SP Tacen: 2. miesto; SP LArgentiere: 4. miesto; SP Markkleeberg: 12. miesto; SP Praha: 6. miesto)
- poradie v svetovom rankingu: 5. miesto
- Majstrovstvá sveta: 8. miesto - individuálne; 1. miesto hliadky
- 3. miesto na majstrovstvách sveta v C1m
- víťaz svetového pohára vo Francúzsku
- 2. miesto v celkovom hodnotení SP
- majstri sveta v hliadkach
- A v neposlednom rade je ďalej v bojoch o miesto na OH!
- Gratulujem! :*
- poradie v svetovom rankingu: 22. miesto v K1m
- budúci rok má šancu zabojovať o miestenku na OH!
Slalom Confluence: Beňušová (SVK) and Mann (USA)
Bratislava, Slovakia – In retrospect, the marriage of Dana Benusova (SVK) and Scott Mann (USA) could seem as if it were pre-destined.
Look closely at photos in the family photo albums, you can find one or the other in each others pictures from the time they were youngsters first competing in the junior canoe slalom ranks in 2000, both in K1. Though they knew of each other since 2001, it wasn’t until one day in 2007 they officially met. Scott was working his way up a course just goofing around trying some things, floundering and flipping. “It was hilarious,” Dana said.
Laughter led to conversation, Dana speaks good English while Scott admits to trying but usually butchering Slovak. Conversation turned into a three-year intercontinental courtship that escalated to marriage last October.
The Mann’s note they aren’t pioneering new ground. Among the trendsetters in intercontinental marriages is that of five-time World Champion Richard Fox, then paddling for the UK, and Olympic bronze medalist Myriam Jerusalmi (FRA). Their union created a new generation of paddler as their daughter Jessica Fox just entered the senior ranks of K1 and C1 for Australia, where her father is the National Performance Director for Australian Canoeing.
Dana explains that courtships on the slalom shouldn’t be that surprising. Athletes spend six months every year traveling and competing at the same events, so it’s pretty natural for relationships to blossom, although most tend to be among athletes from the same country.
The Mann’s joke about the happy coincidence of fringe benefits their marriage brings to their slalom careers. Scott’s been able to train more here in Bratislava, his wife’s hometown, in the leadup to these World Championships. Afterward, the tables will turn when Dana will benefit from being able to train at Adventure Sports Center International (ASCI), Scott’s home course in the US, which will be the host site of the 2014 World Championships.
As if paddling weren’t enough of a common bond, the Mann’s share yet another interest off the course. Both have academic backgrounds in, somehwat ironically, international relations. Dana already has her master’s degree while Scott is working on finishing his master’s at George Washington University in Washington, DC.
Thankfully, the couple have no need to put into practice Scott’s studies in conflict resolution.